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The complete guide, listing and formulas for a lordsoflords tribute.
Last updated 8-7-2003 23:17
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Character Stats.
Level When you have reached the next higher level you may learn 5 stats of choice. One level can carry 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 gold, this can be different between the server.
Exp Experience can be gained in allot of various ways, like fighting, stealing or tournament. After killing a monster you'll get an percentage of the monsters experience. The amount depends on agility and the thievery power of your race. If you lose a fight usually you lose an amount of experience too.
Gold Gold can be gained when you have slaughtered you opponent. The amount depends on agility and the thievery power of your race. You can carry 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 gold per level at once, this can be different between the server.
Life For each level you gain life points.
Strength Increase weapon damage and wearing heavier armor.
Dexterity Increase chance of hitting your opponent
Agility Decrease incoming damage and increase thievery power for exp and gold
Intelligence Increase your own spell power and increase spell level that can be learned. Amulets and Rings also have Intelligence as requirement.
Concentration Increase chance of an successful spell casting and increase cast rating.
Contravention Decrease power of opponent magic spell