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The complete guide, listing and formulas for a lordsoflords tribute.
Last updated 8-7-2003 23:17
Guide home | Chatting | Charms | Races | Guilds/clans | Politics | Noble titles | Stats | Inventory | Support | Formulas |
Weapons | Attackspells | Healspells | Helmets | Shields | Amulets | Rings | Armors | Belts | Pants | Hands | Feets | Town Monsters
Battlefield Formulas (Monsters)
Base formulas Base weapon (strength%*race attack power).
Base magic ((intelligence%*race magical power) + intelligence).
Base Defense (agility%*race defend power) + (armor + helmet + shield + belt + pants + hand + feet).
Weapon Minimum Strength*(1 + base weapon*1 + weapon minimum).
Maximum Strength*(1 + base weapon*1 + weapon maximum).
Attack spell Minimum Intelligence + ring + (base magic*minimum).
Maximum Intelligence + ring + (base magic*maximum).
Heal spell Minimum Intelligence + amulet + (base magic*minimum).
Maximum Intelligence + amulet + (base magic*maximum).
Magic Shield Minimum Contravention*base magic + (1 + Amulet + Ring + Intelligence + Concentration).
Maximum Contravention*base magic + (1 + Amulet + Ring + Intelligence + Concentration) + (Minimum/2).
Defense Minimum Agility + (base defence*minimum).
Maximum Agility + (base defence*maximum).
Attack rating Chance of hitting on melee combats
Minimum Dexterity + (base weapon*minimum).
Maximum Dexterity + (base weapon*maximum).
Magic rating Chance of casting magic spells
Minimum Concentration + (base magic*minimum).
Maximum Concentration + (base magic*maximum).
Total damage total damage= hit damage + blocked damage
Ladder Power (Exp/10000) + (Gold/10000) + Level + Life + Strength + Dexterity + Agility + Intelligence + Concentration + Contravention + Weapon + Attackspell + Healspell + Helmet + Shield + Amulet + Ring + Armor + Belt + Pants + Hand + Feet